Author A.J. Turner Authentic #1

Authentic Testimony

    You know how when you support others and you think 🤔 those you support will return the support?   

   Know that when God sends your supporters they will come from ANGELS that have been designed to support you. The Angels you’ve never seen, of a different race  but all  from the Grace of God . 

   I said that to say, this wonderful couple purchased my Poetry Book, BREATHE for their son who’s on his way to the University of Chicago to  obtain his Masters in Literacy .  The couple,  unbeknownst to me, was on vacation and decided to stop by my station in Balboa Park . The couple returned the next day to purchase more items from me, however I wasn’t there due to my work schedule.  

Ms. Jo. reached out to me by my business email informing me she wanted to purchase two of the  T- shirts from the BREATHE Collection and asked if I would ship them to her home in Hawaii.  I immediately responded, “YES I CAN AND I WILL!”  I became excited because God showed me where my supporters would come from! Not always from those I know and support. 
I’m encouraged to keep moving and grinding for in the end I WIN !
Make It A Great Day
Be Blessed ,
Author AJ Turner

19 thoughts on “Author A.J. Turner Authentic #1”

    1. Traci , all I can say is thank you ! I thank you from the depths of my heart for being an awesome person, a creator, a publisher, a shoulder, an awesome prayer warrior, and a teacher!

      Make IT A Great Day

      Be Blessed ,


    1. Alesia, thank you for a commenting on the blog and cheering me on as I begin this new journey as a blogger ! I appreciate you for taking the time out of your schedule to let me know how awesome this is .

      Make IT A Great Day

      Be Blessed ,


  1. Thank you Mary for the encouraging words! Thank you taking the time out of your day to comment and leave a post on the blog . Yes we will WIN with that ram in the bush conquering our dreams that’s my destiny in Jesus name !

    Make IT A Great Day

    Be Blessed ,


  2. Romelia Meme Thompson

    Sister I am so proud of you and excited for everything new that is happening in your life. You have inspired and supported me since we were kids and it don’t stop! I love you, I love your work and you are Blessed By The Best! Keep telling your story because you are helping someone through 😘 #sistersupport

    1. Thank you sister for your support and love ! I thank you for your kind heartfelt words and your encouragement to keep telling my story. I now wait for you to share your story to the world , for you’re more than a conqueror!

  3. Angela you have my support in any things you do God gave me a Angle that l am thankful keep move on don’t let anyone stop you your blessing is in you love makes life a bright day it can make you have bright days keep moving my Love will always be there with ❤️ from Mom ❤️ you with all Blessing inside and out God Bless to Angela

    1. Mom I thank you for being my biggest supporter and that God has kept you around to see the works and gifts come out into full production! I appreciate you and love you for all that you’ve instilled in me , making sure I never followed but lead the way ! Keep blooming my ROSE

  4. Sis!!! What a great testimony! I too have received blessings in this manner. YOU are one of my biggest and greatest supporters. For that I say thank you! I will always love and support you! God has us in the palm of his hands. ❤️

    1. Thank you sis , for the words of encouragement as I write along this journey called poetry life. I am and will continue to support the fashions you deliver and send more folks your way! Your amazingly welcome and I thank you for being my prayer partner !
      Yeas God has us in his mighty out stretched hands with protection all around us as we continue to seek him first ! Blessings and Love Author AJ Turner

  5. Tamika F. Bailey

    Queen Angela ,
    Your work is profound and stands above the rest . Your poetry speaks to me live and direct as a woman of color and as a survivor of the ancestral slavery holocaust . I’m honored to know you and to be apart of your publishing journey of epic readings for all eyes to see .
    Thanking you for sharing your universal language of journalistic talent as well as your other wide range of ideas that manifest greatness worldwide !!!!

    With Sincerity,
    Tamika Felice Bailey

    1. Queen, I appreciate your words of truth regarding my poetry writings on how the poetry is alive . I thank God for your acknowledgments of the manifesting to bring Breathe and Hair Power into world.

      Blessings and Love Author AJ Turner

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