Author AJ Turner Authentic #14


I have something to say!

Our children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews go to school every day obliging the school in uniform! They wear their white shirts, gray shirts, sky blue shirts, or maybe even navy blue, with their khaki pants, or navy blue pants, some wear gray pants, some wear black, and they do this day after day, month after month, but when it comes down to our month; Black History Month, the only month we have, which we have to share with Valentine’s Day, as well as some others that have been recently implemented. So now instead of concentrating on a month full of truths about Black American culture the time is filled with more distractions.

We rarely see social or Broadcast media channels give over concentrated time to reaching the new generations with information about our Black Historians, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Harriett Tubman, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, George Washington Carver, Shirley Chisholm, Henry Highland Garnet, Mary McLeod Bethune, Shirley Chisholm, or any of the pioneers that paved the way and fought for the equality of our civil rights! However, we share our month with the observance of the celebration one of the most racist presidents who was also a slave owners and rapists. 

Our children or you attended a school named after the slave owners that your school represents with pride. Now that’s hilarious, rallying for schools that honor slave owner’s names is what we do, and we have no problem doing it! 

So the President signed the bill to assign February as BLACK HISTORY MONTH, not caring that we wear our BLACKNESS 24/7, 365 days each year, but that’s what they choose to use the month for. Am I the only one questioning why it’s the shortest month? Remind you that there are only 28 days to celebrate but yet and still they’ve added other occasions to celebrate in the midst of it. But I digress. I truly signed on to say this!

I ask each of you to go out purchase your child BLACK HISTORY items, put it on shirts for them to wear every day for each of the 28 days between now and the end of the month. I don’t care if you must wash the shirt over again and put it on them for 28 days! 

They need to go to school representing their BLACK HISTORY and while you’re at it teach them a piece of BLACK HISTORY, so when they wear the shirt they understand why they’re wearing it. When they walk on the school campus they understand why they’re black and they’re proud. Teach them that! Don’t just send them out the door. Provide them a piece of history to take with them each and every day so that they can share it with their counterparts and that includes the teacher! While your child is learning Spanish at a bilingual school, English at a traditional school.  Make sure that the school is giving them BLACK HISTORY! Make sure your child is showing up in their BLACK  HISTORY! RUBY BRIDES AT AGE SIX MADE A CHANGE IN SCHOOLS WORLDWIDE! 

That’s all I’ll write.

Until next time, 

Make it a great day and be blessed as you read!

Author AJ Turner

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