Author AJ Turner Authentic #2


The moments I’ll remember for ever
The moments we’ve spent together 
The moments feel like eternity full
Of hopes and dreams to cast my vision
To see what I see you plus me!!
Life changing events hit unexpectedly. 
How many of us are having a moment of un-expectancy? 
Life has thrown us a blow by taking someone we love and know! How do we get through the day knowing they’ve gone away? Yes, we know the Lord. Yes, we know man is appointed to live and die. However, we yet wonder why?! 
The pain seems so Unbearable! Can I survive this blow Lord,?!  
How can I get through this?! I asked the question WHY!!! Lord WHY?!  
Realizing it’s okay to cry… let it out, let it go, run down the street, open your mouth and scream !
Know this. We are never prepared to lose the ones we love even if they’re going to Heaven above! One thing we can say, moments will come and go but this one thing I know, we’ve spent time together to cast our vision of you and me. Filling our lives with great expectancy of love, good times, photos and more so I’m no longer looking for that knock at the door. I’m down striking the floor with prayers to open up every door and fill them with moments that live forever more !!

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