Author AJ Turner _ Authentic #4


As I write today I say, “Thank You Lord for being the one who took the stripes for me ,  the one who died to set the captives free.  

Repressions started before we were born when Old King Ferro  took the first born!

He killed them by fire into the night then the white men came and lynched us by light !! 

They used our bodies as Candlelight as they ate a feast  through our glorious light . 

Yes we’ve fought a good fight but know that God is the light! 

The light shines so bright it makes know mistakes as it guides us through the light.

I’m not worried I’m not scared I’m  watching and seeking just like my father said, “I am the Truth and the Light; no man comes to me but through the light !” Jesus is our light who was guided by a shinning star. 

As I sang “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine let it shine. LET IT SHINE!”

1 thought on “Author AJ Turner _ Authentic #4”

  1. Hey AJ;
    I loved reading “Light”. It gave me chills reading this. So much truth and meaning. My God continue to bless you.

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